It's all about veggies in the kitchen now! They have flavor, are versatile, add texture and there are a ton of them! Check out which veggies we think you need to incorporate to your diet more! 1. ARTICHOKESArtichoke hearts aren't just a tasty treat, they are a great addition to your salads or veggie dishes! Plus, they're also packed with vital, cancer-preventing antioxidants. 2. BEETSBeets are a great addition to any dish! They are filled with flavor and help reduce dementia risk! They also help increase blood flow throughout your body and brain to keep you going through the day! 3. GREEN BEANSLooking for something healthy and high in fiber? Green beans are the answer! They also provide some of your daily protein requirements and are an easy way to acquire vitamins, folic acid, calcium, and the list goes on! 4. KALEIt's all about kale these days and with reason! It's low in calories, high in fiber and has zero fat! It's also filled with omega-3 fatty acids which help fight against arthritis, asthma and autoimmune disorders. 5. MUSHROOM Who doesn't love mushrooms? You can add them to a salad, grill them, sautée many options! Not only will you enjoy mushrooms but they also help prevent anemia and cancer.
It's time to get cooking, but if you want to leave the cooking to someone else you can treat yourself to Vegetable Masters Dinner presented by Blue Shield of California on March 7! Watch world-class chefs take vegetables to a whole new level in our 5-course dinner!
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